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Special Effects- Gelatin Prosthetic – 28-29 September

A full immersion in the fantastic world of Special Effects Make-up, to learn the techniques and materials to create and apply gelatin prosthetics. 

Crea Fx – Tutti a bordo!

Crea Fx collabora nel nuovo film di Luca Miniero “Tutti a bordo”  realizzando delle riproduzioni anatomiche e animali utilizzate come controfigure in alcune divertenti scene con Giovanni Storti e Stefano Fresi. Guarda il trailer!

Trailer ufficiale

Crea Fx alla German Fetish Fair

Crea Fx takes part in the German Fetish Fair in Berlin, an important event dedicated to the world of fetish. Five days of fair, where we were present with our realistic female masks and some models made in limited edition for the occasion...

Crea Fx at JEC World Paris

Crea Fx with the partnership of the Italian silicone manufacturer Zhermack, participated at JEC World – the leading international Composites Show in Paris.

Crea Fx for “Marcel!” by Jasmine Trinca

Crea Fx collaborates for the new film “Marcel!” by director Jasmine Trinca produced by CinemaUndici production.

Copia Corso Effetti Speciali – 3-4 Ottobre

Il primo appuntamento per il Corso di prostetica in lattice ha visto protagoniste un gruppo tutto femminile! Lisa, Roberta e Simona, seguite dalla nostra insegnate Elena e con il prezioso aiuto di Ilaria, hanno trascorso due giorni dedicati agli effetti speciali di trucco e prostetica base. Brave tutte!

Crea Fx for the theatre show “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf”

Crea Fx collaborates with the Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria for the show directed by  Antonio Latella, inspired by Edward Albee’s masterpiece “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?”.

Tv Series “L’Alligatore” – Crea Fx

Crea Fx created a hyper-realistic animal reproduction for the new Tv Series “L’Alligatore”, on Rai2  from November 25th.

RayPlay – Videos

Crea Fx – The New Diabolik

Crea Fx created the silicone masks for the new movie “Diabolik”, by Manetti Bros. Release on 31th December 2020 – Watch the trailer: VIDEO

Corso Effetti Speciali – 3-4 Ottobre

Ripartito finalmente il programma Corsi 2020, e per le nostre bravissime allieve Alice, Grazie ed Elena il seminario è stato gestito seguendo le regole di sicurezza ma mantenendo alto il livello e l’entusiasmo! Complimenti e continuate così!

Realistic Mannequins at EuroShop 2020

Crea Fx has created hyper realistic mannequins starting from the 3D scan, for the international company Hans Boodt Mannequins. The mannequins were exhibited during the fair  EuroShop 2020 in Düsseldorf...

Crea Fx for XXXLutz

Crea Fx created  caricatures masks of Austrian politicians for the new funny TV Spot by XXXLutz in Austria.

The video on the web had thousands of views in few days and numerous awards...

Crea Fx for “La Tempesta”

The theater “Stabile di Napoli” brings to the stage the Tempest by William Shakespeare, directed by Luca de Fusco.

Crea Fx created an hyper realistic silicone mask of the actor Eros Pagni...

Firenze Fantasy

Crea Fx at Firenze Fantasy with speciale events dedicated to the Prosthetics makeup demonstrations and  Masterclass of Lifecast.

Silicone replica “Beata Eustochio”

Physiognomic reconstruction of “Beata Eustochio from Padova”, created by Crea Fx starting from the 3D scan of the original skull. The silicone replica is exposed with the original relics in the Duomo of Padova (Italy).

Crea Fx for FakeLab

A new and original collaboration with FakeLab. Crea Fx created the latex masks of Anna Wintour for the most important fashion event in Florence: Pitti Immagine.
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